警察服務不分內外 警一分局提供外僑舉家安維服務 – 今傳媒 JNEWS

【今傳媒記者王于誠 報導】

甲辰龍年恭賀新喜,農曆春節將至,本分局防治組組長陳樹文率外事巡官田佩玉特於春節前夕拜訪轄內臺中市中區新住民活動聚集所PCINU TAIWAN RANTING TAICHUNG及馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處-臺中分處(下稱菲辦)及勞工部宣導年節期間,應注意自身財物及家戶安全,外事巡官田佩玉更獲菲辦邀請參加官方臉書直播,以英文向在臺菲國移工宣導有關勿酒駕、反詐騙、反毒、金融帳戶及提款卡勿隨意交付陌生人等重要議題,並告知本分局於2024年農曆春節前後期間(2024年2月1日至2024年2月15日),提供民眾及在臺外僑「舉家外出住居安全服務」,民眾及在臺外僑於上揭期間外出時,得請求當地警察單位協助於住居附近加強巡邏,以維護住居安全,讓各位外僑在臺過年「龍」SAFE、「龍」安心,相關申請方式如下:


The Taichung City Police Department First Precinct will be providing home security service for foreign residents during the period of upcoming Chinese New Year (Jan 1. to Jan. 30, 2023).
Any foreign nationals living in Taipei City may request the local police to boost patrols around their residences while travelling away. The foreign residents may apply for this security service by:
1.Calling the police hotline 110.
2.Applying for this service in person at their local police stations.
In addition to the home security service provided by the TCPD, there are four tips to keep your home safe while you are away:
1.Make sure you lock every window and the entrance before you leave.
2.Ask your friends, neighbors, or members of neighborhood watch to keep an eye on your house.
3.When your house left empty, turn on the radio in the day time or keep the light on at night. If you can set your radio and lights on a timer to create the illusion of someone home, that will be better.
4.Deposit your small and valuable belongings in banks or hide them in secret places separately.

警一分局長鍾承志表示,我國警察服務不分內外,我們在乎在臺外籍朋友的安全,過年期間希望各位大夥都能過好年,享受年節氣氛,品嘗臺灣過年美食,紅包滿滿,好運龍來,更希望外國朋友感受到我國警察的熱誠與不間斷的服務, Your safety We care !Taiwan care!
